Sunday, May 21, 2017

Recipes by Norma Shearer: Chicken a la King; Chicken Croquettes

Norma Shearer's Chicken a la King

The chicken is cut up fine and is then added to a sauce prepared as follows: A quarter of a pound of butter melted in a chafing dish, to which is added three level tablespoons of flour. When this is well blended add gradually two cups of cream. Let this cook for a minute, stirring constantly, then add pepper, salt, paprika, a teaspoonful of garlic and onion minced so finely that it is a paste, and two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese. When this sauce has become smooth, add the chicken and serve instantly over buttered toast.

Norma Shearer's Chicken Croquettes

1 cup minced chicken
1 dessertspoon (2 teaspoons) chopped parsley
1 dessertspoon (2 teaspoons) flour
1 pint milk or chicken stock
salt and pepper to taste
4 oz. ham
grated nutmeg
1 dessertspoon (2 teaspoons) butter
2 hard-boiled eggs
bread crumbs

Make a thick white sauce, using the butter, flour and milk or chicken stock. Mix together the minced chicken, ham, nutmeg, parsley and chopped, hard-boiled eggs; add to sauce and mix well. Take one tablespoon of this mixture and roll in a long shape to form a croquette. Cover with seasoned flour, dip in egg glazing and toss in bread crumbs. Deep fry In fusing hot fat until a golden brown. Drain on white paper. Serve on a paper d'oyley (doily) piled on a hot dish.

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