Thursday, June 29, 2017

Terry-Thomas' Fondue Bourguignonne

Terry-Thomas' Fondue Bourguignonne

For the meat:

Allow 1/2 pound meat per serving; select top grade lean sirloin, cut in 1-inch cubes
1 small clove garlic
Peanut oil

Rub fondue pan (copper or cast-iron) with cut garlic. Fill with peanut oil; heat over direct heat in kitchen until boiling. Transfer to heating unit (alcohol burner or habachi) in center of serving table. Keep oil bubbling hot.

Set table with salt and paprika shakers, pepper mills, sauces, fondue (long-handled) forks and serving plates.

Spear a piece of meat with fork, plunge into boiling oil, cook to desired doneness. Season and "sauce" to taste. Serve with pickled onions (or mushrooms); chilled hearts of palm; classic green salad (Bibb lettuce and romaine tossed with an oil-lemon dressing) or "herbed" tomato slices, which are thinly sliced ripe beefsteak tomatoes marinated in small amounts of dressing made with Dijon mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper topped with minced fresh herbs (parsley, tarragon, dill, chervil) and minced chives; hunks of hot garlic bread or crispy rolls and your favorite libation (good Burgundy or Bordeaux or imported lager).

For the sauces:

Soy sauce
Chinese hot mustard-curry sauce mixed with grated fresh coconut
Bottled Roberts Sauce Diable
Horseradish cream
Chinese duck sauce
Pink sauce (prepared mayonnaise mixed with hot catsup)

Sauce Verte: 1 cup prepared mayonnaise mixed with 1 1/2 tablespoons each minced watercress, chervil, tarragon, 3 tablespoons minced parsley, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt, freshly ground pepper to taste.

Tartar Sauce: Mix 1 cup prepared mayonnaise with 1 teaspoon each minced chervil, tarragon (or dill), parsley, 1 tablespoon chopped pickle, 1 tablespoon each lemon juice and chopped capers.

Cumberland Sauce: Add 2 peeled, chopped shallots to small saucepan with 4 teaspoons water; simmer 4 minutes. With sharp knife, peel outer zest of a lemon and orange, cut into tiny julienne strips: boil in water 10 minutes. Drain well. In separate saucepan melt 3/4 cup red currant jelly with 1/4 cup cranberry jelly. Add shallots, orange and lemon rind, 2 tablespoons orange juice, 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1/3 cup port wine, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon ginger; cook over very low heat 1 minute. Chill before serving.

Bearnaise Sauce: Combine 3 tablespoons wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons water, 1 minced scallion (white part only), 1 teaspoon minced parsley and a few gratings freshly ground pepper; simmer 5 minutes. In top of double boiler melt 1 stick sweet butter, gradually whisk in 3 beaten egg yolks, stir constantly until mixture thickens. Gradually add hot strained vinegar mixture, stirring constantly so eggs will not curdle. Season with salt to taste. Just before serving, add minced parsley (or tarragon).

Thoughts: For optimal tenderness, have meat at room temperature before cooking. Vary the meat using pork (cut in smaller cubes for faster, more thorough cooking), veal or tidbits of breast of chicken (uncooked). Select sauces to compliment the meat. Copper or metal pans conduct heat better and cook meat faster. The classic caquelon (earthenware fondue pan) will break if placed over direct heat. Prepare all sauces in advance and serve in wide-mouthed shallow bowls to facilitate dipping.

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